Monday, March 13, 2006

Spring ... Break?

Serveski 06 was a pretty awesome trip. relaxin in rapid, spaghetti, skating & hiking with the Torbert crew, hanging out at the cabin, driving down to mission to white eagle (or black bird, according to joy) christian academy, cleanin & organizing one of their classrooms, basketball with local kids and tons of fun.

after that, joy and i headed down to hastings, nebraska to her house. went out to eat, watched a few movies, hung out w/family, went to kansas [yes, that's right]. drove up to springfield, minnesota on friday [seriously took about 7 hrs i think]. hung out with family, watched a few movies, ate a lot, drove back to verm on sunday through a snow storm. all around, a pretty good break! :] not sure if there was much 'break' in there but it's all good.