Tuesday, May 16, 2006


I had an interesting converstation with my mom today about church. I guess a few weeks ago at our church council which consists of my mom, our pastor, and a few others that are distantly related to my dad. they were off topic and were talking about fighting w/their spouses. one of them commented that she fought w/her husband and he only has a little 'wellner' in him, she couldn't imagine what it would be like to be married to a full-blooded wellner. the other council member agreed. my mom was so mad, and i felt horrible that people would even say that about her. what kind of a church is this? not one where people are supported or built up. the sad thing is, they are right but couldn't keep it to themselves or offer support. so much more to write that i won't get into. the congregation wonders why their attendance is so low- they have no idea why, because they think we are so friendly! falsehood. they might think they're 'minnesota nice,' and you don't even have to be on the 'inside' to notice. I think it's time the family switches churches. there's a Baptist one about 20 minutes away ... or CM&A within a 1/2 hr. so i dare suggest we try one of them? or do we stay and try to turn things around? that would put a huge burden on my mom, one i know she can't handle alone. only God can truly turn this church around. if He doesn't, it will probably close down. maybe I'm just bitter, but i can't help thinking it would be the best for everyone.