Sunday, May 14, 2006

leaving town!

well it's been a weird past few days. didn't think packing up my stuff and leaving the dorm would be as strange as it was. don't worry, it was a good strange. on the upside, being a CA and leaving the bureaucracy that housing is was wonderful - one of the major upsides of leaving verm-town and coming home. i mean, i know i'll miss it, but in the moment of leaving my best friends who i've spent the past 9 months with, (and one friend, over a year) i was glad to have something to be happy about! ok now that sounds bad, like i wasnt happy about moving home. well, i wasn't estatic, but going on project also helped brighten the mood. But, being this sad about leaving my friends means that the Lord has blessed me soo much that these people are a part of my life!! And leaving them was the worst part of my week, which is still pretty good compared to the bad things that could happen.