Sunday, November 15, 2009


One year my high school youth group took a trip to a warehouse in Minneapolis to help in preparing shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child. We watched a training video, spent a few hours checking and re-packing shoe boxes, and sorting them out on different pallets. There were thousands upon thousands of shoe boxes crowded all over the open warehouse - it was amazing to see so many gifts from so many people. Thinking of all the kids that would receive these boxes gave me my first vision for what God might be doing around the world (and I would not become a Christian for 2-3 years).

For the last several years I've been putting together a shoe box for OCC, a division of Samaritan's Purse. I love the organization, and the idea that I can help out in a small way that will actually mean something to someone.

This year, I vowed to purchase items for two shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child before I did any of my own Christmas shopping. I found that starting out the Christmas gift giving season remembering those around the world who don't have much really put my personal shopping into perspective.

I love gifts. I love receiving, but I do generally love giving them. I enjoy seeing recipients of my gifts smile when they open the package, and it makes me feel good to brighten someone's day, or to show them how much I love and appreciate them. I can't help but feel at least a little disappointed when I've put a lot of effort into a gift and I don't receive any response from the recipient.

Because of this, I tend to want to overspend on gifts, especially at Christmas. This is the only time of the year in which my whole family comes home to the farm. I always want the holiday to go perfectly, because it's the only time we're together all year, but I think I end up putting way too much pressure on my family. A lot has changed for me in the last year, so I think this Christmas will be quite a bit different. I've come to realize that family is family, no matter our opinions, values, priorities and beliefs. I'd really like to just enjoy my time with them this holiday.