Thursday, January 24, 2008


Some of the speakers at TCX talked about Peter- his life, the denial, walking on water, etc. I really enjoyed reading about his interactions w/Jesus in the Gospels, and what I learned about TCX stuck out in my brain for some reason. So when I met w/jessica and kari wednesday for discipleship, we talked about Peter's life.

We spent a lot of time on one specific event in his life- walking on water. What a crazy thing to do! We all shared feelings of awe at the things we can do when we are focused on Christ and not on the fact that we shouldn't be able to do what we are actually doing. Logic gets in the way so often...ugh. One interesting thing about this act was Peter's impulsiveness. The rest of the disciples just sat in the boat watching as Peter jumped out. If I were one of the disciples, I would probably be sitting there, super jealous, wondering why Jesus didn't single me out of group. It seems as though any of the men could have done it, if they took the step of faith. Hm. I compare myself a lot to others, and tend to get jealous when they do impulsive things for God - which I could do, too. I just need to get out of the boat.