Sunday, October 11, 2009

weirdest weekend ever.

The longer I walk w/the Lord, the greater my desire for my family to come to know Him. I want so badly for them to know the joy and hope and potential for change that Christ can bring to an individual, especially one who thinks none of these things are possible in the great ways that they are. To experience that common bond of belief in something and love for something so much greater than ourselves is a constant prayer. After five years, I'm finally starting to just be myself around my family. But I still feel like an outsider, and that feeling will probably never go away.

So after spending several days with family who are obviously not happy or hopeful, I spent 8 hours today with some of the best people in the world. I am so encouraged by being around families that love the Lord. I can completely be myself around them. I've never felt like an outsider, even when I'm being really ridiculous. I want to have my own family some day and experience that enriching joy, that lasting love, with them. To create that environment in which to raise kids. I've had slices of it here and there. Is it possible to miss something you've never truly experienced?


Anonymous said...

I've checked very frequently, or so it seems for the past while, and all of a sudden several posts appear. Maybe I need to hit refresh when I check. That so, like 'em all. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

Unknown said...

i often start a post and then have to come back and finish it later, so i end up finishing a bunch at once, so they have different dates but were actually published at the same time. :)

Anonymous said...

You so tricky! Anyway, it's like Christmas when it happens. :)