Wednesday, March 09, 2011


Why do we give things up for Lent? Do we just feel so bad that we so easily gave up on our New Years' Resolutions that we feel the need to try again? And this time it's only 40 days, not a whole year, so it's more likely to actually abstain from eating candy, or commit to working out 3 days a week, or to stop playing video games.

I normally don't partake in Lenten services or sacrifices, and I definitely eat meat on Fridays. When I was younger, I thought you only gave things up for Lent because when people asked you about it (or you told people about it), you would look really spiritual, suffering for God and all.

Now that I'm older, I know the bad reasons for giving things up for Lent. But do I really know the good reasons? Something I'd like to explore in the coming weeks.

Maybe this year I'll try to give up or add something in to my life. I better think of it fast as I just saw on the calendar this morning that today is Ash Wednesday.