Thursday, March 10, 2011

What's Really in a Name.

At the end of office prayer yesterday, we spent a few minutes praying about the new name for Campus Crusade for Christ. (If you haven't heard, the name may be changing this summer).

A few people at the table quickly confessed a need to pray for a better attitude about the whole situation. There have been a variety of reactions to both the selection process of the name, and the samples that were included in a recent staff survey.

So, we just spent a few minutes in a small group praying about it. And in those few minutes, I sensed God drawing out some much bigger issues than a lame new name.

Why are we getting so worked up about the name change? I can’t lie; my ears perk up when I hear Campus Crusade for Christ. It’s an organization that God has used to totally change my life. It will always be an important, significant organization to me, and the name evokes a certain response.

But, at the end of the day, it's just a name. Campus Crusade staff labor to make Christ’s reputation known, not ours. No matter our name, the work stays the same: building spiritual movements everywhere.

I do wonder if the core DNA of our organization will change in an attempt to become more relevant through changing the name. I don't think it will happen, but it's a slippery slope sometimes.

Whether the name changes or not, I think there's a deeper issue at hand. Do I work to make my and Campus Crusade's name great, or God's? Who really gets the glory in the work I do?