Thursday, January 04, 2007


Another TCX has come and gone and God is faithful in teaching me a few lessons I needed to learn. I gained a lot of knowledge about heaven, eternity, judgment, our actions on earth, etc. One big thing I learned about was peace. Christ is the Prince of Peace, my King. I haven't really been resting in him and letting him be my peace. This past semester I have been worrying a lot about the future- this summer and when I graduate. Important events I need to be thinking about, but I’ve been wavering between just thinking about it some days and obsessively freaking out about it other days. I really wanted God to show me last week what He wanted me to do. A week later, I think I know what He wants, and I will pursue it, trusting He will give me what I need. The cool thing about it was God has brought me to a sense of peace. Even if I had 100% certainty about it, He still might change the plan. I’ve realized that and have put more of my trust in Him than ever before, which has really brought me a state of peacefulness.

James 3:18 says, “Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness.” My family doesn’t get along real well sometimes. I often become the peacemaker. For awhile I saw it as a burden, always being put in the middle, taking both sides of most issues to make everyone happy. I have finally realized that it’s not a burden- and I am glad to help out and keep the peace when I can. But I was thinking about telling my family about the possibility of going to Brazil this summer, and God showed me that so often I keep silent about Him around my family, like not sharing what he’s teaching me, just so I can keep the peace. I’ve been limiting His glory by just trying to keep the peace around the house.