Thursday, February 01, 2007


I really think God should use e-mail. How sweet would that be? If you know me but at all, you know that I heart e-mail very much. Every time I log on to my USD account, (which is seriously once an hour on average), I hope to see tons of e-mail, from random people and friends and even stuff from the University!! One time I logged on and I had 9 e-mails. That's awesome. I do not, however, like spam e-mail. Not cool, just annoying.

I think it would be awesome if God used e-mail. To log on once in awhile throughout your day and see a new message all bolded and at the top of the pile: From= God. Subject= your day. "Amy. This is God. I know you are stressing out right now about your Legal exam in a week, but don't worry! You will have time to study, I'll make sure of that. If you take advantage of the time you will have and are serious about succeeding, you will. I Love You! --God."

Yep that'd be awesome. In my mind I think the best part about it would be that God would talk to me more than he does now, which I feel like is zero most of the time. But really it's my deal not His to hear his voice. I don't spend as much time reading my Bible and sitting in silence and praying as I should. But I still think it would be sweet if God used e-mail.