Saturday, July 21, 2007

yes, again...

i was at work the other day assembling IRs and i grabbed some battery wire thingers, which are bound by a rubber band in groups of like 50 and they were flopping all over so I grabbed the buddle with both hands...and all i could think about was the fact that they resembled a bouquet of wedding flowers. ah! what's wrong with me! seriously. maybe it's the fact that everyone i know seems to be getting engaged or married ... or whatever. anyway, i finally figured out the colors that i like...turquoise for dresses, cream flowers? maybe pomegranate colored flowers. hm these are actually kind of similar to the colors on this page. odd. anyway, i think i've got some time to decide...


Anonymous said...

You crack me up. I miss you... (29 days 16 hours till I'm back in the midwest). Personally I think one should wait on wedding planning till one is engaged or at least discussing being engaged. What if something happens (like the guy has a favorite color)? ~Lura