Wednesday, January 07, 2009

the first real day!

I'm going to try to be honest on this blog; today I woke up and wanted to get as far away from Crusade and the El Caribe as possible. It was the first real day, so obviously I was incredibly nervous, as I'm a nervous wreck whenever I start something new (and even in day-to-day activities I am generally nervous, for no real reason. But I digress). My main concern/thought was "Why am I here? Why did I decide to do this? What was I THINKING!? I can't do this."

At the moment, Phillipians 4:6-7 enters my mind and sums up my feelings after the first real day of New Staff Training. I in no way understand everything I heard today, but I feel very at peace. God's given me specific desires, skills and passions in my life. I need to use them to glorfy Him the best way I know how. At this moment in my life, I am believing God that the best thing for me to do is join staff. I'm sure more doubts will come in the coming weeks/months/years (possibly even hours), but for now I rest in Him. I will be still, and know that He is God.

I want to write more but I need some sleep...tomorrow will have to do.



Anonymous said...

I felt the same way. Mostly on the day we started MPD training. I was figuring out how I could leave and quit the whole thing. I guess it didn't work so well, cause here I am 8 years later. Keep trusting. You're doing well. Love