Tuesday, January 13, 2009

this day in history.

October 13th - I was on my way home from visiting Meghan in Rapid.
November 13th - I had a staff interview with Crusade.
December 13th - I graduated from USD!
January 13th - I am writing this blog :)

Going to Rapid in October and helping Meghan move some stuff into her apartment with Lys gave me a really good picture of life after graduation and what that entails.

Today after class, I met with the Crusade staff member that gave me my staff interview- at that time, I told him I was 50/50 on the decision to go on staff or not. All semester, I had been preparing myself for the job search that would ensue once I graduated. One thing I knew I wouldn't do was attend grad school, at least not for several years. And when I did, I'd get a masters in Admin Studies, or Industrial/Org Psych or something.

So, it's kind of weird to be in Daytona, deep in homework from graduate level theology classes, wondering if I can do this. Though I second guess my actions and thoughts (a lot), this does feel right (but I don't think that just because it feels right I should do it; I've done things that I didn't feel 'right' about but did them anyway and looking back, they were 'right'). But, in the sense that I never imagined this for my life, it feels as right as it should, I suppose.

The following is a paragraph from a talk I gave at the last Cru meeting of my undergrad career [which can also be found in my support letter, if you've received one]-

I've been thinking and praying about my future since I began college, knowing that I'd someday have to make a decision about where I want to end up. I didn't know how hard the decision would be. Since I was young, I've desired to work for a large organization, in a meaningful job that really impact lives (and that allows me to travel)! I think God placed that desire in me for specific reasons, and I am seeking to fulfill this desire upon graduation.

So the transition between being a student with friends in Verm, to thinking about going on staff and interviewing, to walking through graduation and preparing to leave Verm, to coming on staff, to being here...has been kind of weird.


Anonymous said...

Or "this day in His story." It's amazing to see God at work in your life.