Thursday, January 08, 2009

the world.

So far, the people I've met here are pretty amazing. A lot of the new staff STINTed somewhere the past few years and have a lot of stories (with Campus Crusade, you can do a year-long Short-Term INTernship (STINT) in many countries around the world). To hear about life in Lebanon, Bosnia, Russia, Chile, New Zealand, Thailand and Kryghystan (i don't even know where that is), is so very interesting! You can read that the Gospel is for all nations in the Bible, but it's really encouraging to see that people really are taking Jesus everywhere. And here I am, going to be in an airconditioned office in a metro-ish city with internet and computer access...yet it's an important job. To see the different areas of ministry that occur within the realm of Campus Crusade is really eye-opening.