Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Leaving A Legacy.

One of my favorite moments of the 2011 CCC US Staff Conference was the night of the 60th Anniversary celebration. Up on the stage sat an adorable, gray-haired woman. The MC (left) shared with us that Nancy (right) spent much of her life as a missionary with her husband Mark. The two served with the PCA in Brazil for 50 years. She was a nurse, and her husband Mark was a pilot. They used his plane as an ambulance to take care of people with machete wounds, snake bites and bullet wounds.


The MC asked Nancy how she was affiliated with Campus Crusade. Nancy was pursuing religion and truth while in college, so she went to a meeting at the house next door to her sorority house. After the meeting, a woman approached her and asked if she enjoyed the meeting, and if she had any questions. Nancy said she'd never placed her faith in Christ, and when the woman asked if she's like to do so, Nancy said she would.

The two women met frequently that year, and on December 2, 1952, at 11:30 in the morning, Nancy became a Christian during her sophomore year in college at UCLA.

Nancy wrote to this woman every year, even while living in the jungles of Brazil, to thank her for her impact in her life.

This woman who shared with her was Vonette Bright. Nancy was the first person to come to Christ through Vonette...ever. Vonette was so encouraged by this experience, she continued to share her faith on the UCLA campus. She was scared to do so, but she "did what Bill told her to do" (her exact words). Vonette didn't know it, but Bill kept track of her faith sharing journey. The next 100 people she shared the Gospel with placed their faith in Christ. Incredible. And now, 60 years after that appointment, the two met on stage at the US Staff Conference.

Session7_10 You never know how one conversation can change a life. And how that one life will impact the world.
