Thursday, March 25, 2010

Quick Thoughts on Faith

I don't generally share stories on this blog. I like to post my random thoughts, what I'm learning from God, and the funny things I see in the world around me...

I don't share stories about people (very often) because I don't have cool, unique, home-run kind of stories that draw in and inspire. I don't even have many lighthearted stories that are purely for fun; and a majority of what I do share is second-hand information.

This hit me today- I'm a second-hand source. I don't really come up with any original thoughts. Those cool stories I see other people blogging about never happen to me. Why?

I don't really know exactly why. Maybe they do happen and I just miss them, or don't blog about them for some reason. But when I read great stories on other blogs, I think there's often a common link: faith.

I think I've minimalized the amount of faith it takes for me to live my daily life. I enjoy routine. I could eat the same thing for lunch every day, (especially if it was pizza). I'm a fairly predictable creature of habit. I don't think a routine is bad...but where does faith come in to play? I get so engrossed in my schedule that at times I miss out on opportunities around me.

Faith. What is it? How to define it? Being sure of what we hope for, certain of what we do not see, taking God at His Word, etc. Those definitions are great but they don't help me make my point. I'm talking more about a lack of faith here. What is faith not? Faith is not a feeling (great book). It's not a function or a formula- you can't nail it down or devise a perfect plan to execute it. One certainty of life is that each day, situations and opportunities will arise and you will have a chance to exercise your faith. How often do I complain about daily distractions, which just might be opportunities to glorify God in ways I haven't thought of yet?

Faith is a tricky thing sometimes.
It's tricky because I make it trickier than it actually is.