Friday, March 05, 2010

a thousand miles..

Been awhile since I've posted..sorry for that.
The last week or two out on the prairie have flown by. I traveled to the rockies for a wedding over the weekend, then hit the plains last week for MPD (support raising). It was a great trip! Great friends, views, experiences and conversations!

I've learned a lot about myself whilst doing MPD, and I learned a lot on this 1800 mile trip. It's so fun to meet new people! Taxing, but so, so fun. I have inklings of extroversion inside of me; while being around large groups of people can be a drain, one-on-one interactions with new people about meaningful things do energize me.. especially when I get to share about the way God has worked and is worked in my life. I love to share what He's teaching me and what I'm realizing about myself and the world (hence my interest in blogging). tendencies are introversion, but when offered the chance I can be extroverted. The jury's still out on whether I'm an S or N. Very debatable, most days.


Anonymous said...

Ministry Miles. :)