Tuesday, January 05, 2010


In the last two years or so I've been hanging out with a lot of med students (and one nurse- big shout out to cv! :). This has led to an increase in my knowledge of the medical field and a decrease in paid medical visits. I love getting free advice from my dr friends, not only because it helps them learn, but because it selfishly helps me

In the last two years I've had a swollen illiotibial band, heel spur, conjunctivitis, two-week long ear congestion, and now what I think is a subconjunctival hemorrhage. That's right- as if I didn't already rely on google too much for medical advice- I'm now pretty confident in my self-diagnosis abilities.

I have a bright red patch in the white part of the the left corner of my right eye. Aka red eye. It's (hopefully) just a (very) small broken blood vessel that bled into my bulbar conjunctiva (outside lining of my eye). It doesn't hurt/it maybe hurts a very tiny bit now that I've noticed it (I think my mind is just playing tricks on me). I had a pretty huge sneeze earlier today, so I think this led to the hemorrhage. I would use a less scary word for it, but I don't know one.

And don't worry, I'm going to the eye doctor on Thursday.


t - 4 months Dr. Baas said...

:) You and Google are going to put me out of a job! :)