Saturday, January 16, 2010


Did you know it's 2010? Every time I write the date, I think I'm going crazy. A whole decade has come and gone. It feels like high school was just last month and college was last week. I swear I saw kids playing frisbee golf at the park yesterday, when in reality fall was months ago. I'm still living in my college town a year after graduation and I haven't met any of the goals, financial or personal, that I set for this point in my life. I'm trying to distinguish my life now from my life in college, but it's been hard to move on emotionally.

I was digging around in some old files a few months ago, and I found a program booklet from TCX '05. I reminisced about some good times while I paged through it. Inside I found the following quote: A changed life is assurance of salvation.

It's been months since I read that quote and I can't get it out of my head.

Has my life changed? How? Am I really different now compared to who I've been? I know there are obvious differences.. but is the change lasting?

I'll be candid (like I haven't been already); with the combo of this quote and my current inability to live in the present, I'm in a funk. On my own, I think I'm doing fine, but when I look around at the rest of the world, I feel like I'm moving in slow-motion.

That's the key, I guess. Comparison to the lives of others is never a good benchmark. Neither is conformity to the standards that this world says I should live up to. Goals can be a good thing, but meeting these standards won't bring lasting fulfillment. Having what others have is just going to make me more miserable.

Maybe I'll just go read the book of Ecclesiastes and call it a night.

Take heart, I have overcome the world. -John 16.33