Friday, January 29, 2010


Potiphar threw Joseph into prison while he was in Egypt; then Joseph interpreted the dreams for the baker and cupbearer who were also thrown into prison (why are people always "thrown?"); then the servants promise Joseph they will get him out when they are freed (and they forget); and Joseph waits TWO YEARS to be let out. Man. Then he goes on to be Pharaoh's right hand man at 30 years old! Whew. What craziness.

I don't know that it's super clear in Acts how long Paul studied and prepared for ministry before he began preaching/traveling, but I want to say it was a few years (3? would love if someone who knew for sure could correct me).

Then there's Jesus; He didn't start His ministry until His 30s. (Do I need to capitalize all those pronouns? I feel like I should).

Waiting is so not fun..but sometimes essential.


JB said...

Consider this, if God says "no" or "slow", it is for your own good.

If the request is wrong, God says, "no".
If the timing is wrong, God says, "slow".
If you are wrong, God says, "grow".
If the request, the timing, and you are all right, God says, "go".

Wait on the timing of the Lord.

(Greg Laurie)
