Monday, January 18, 2010

the light-bulb moment

Do you ever had one of those AHA! moments? I love those. I just had one. They don't come often so I didn't really know what to do with it... I'll blog about it. I was sipping a tasty caramel latte today, reading the current book my bible study is discussing. It held my interest very well, as the author was tackling a very confusing passage and concept from the Bible, when suddenly it clicked. I will end up blogging about this down the road, but for now I just want this post to actually be about this elusive "light bulb flash."

It was awesome. Do you ever have one of those moments where something you've been wondering about, literally for years, finally makes sense? In the last 5 years I've had to work my way up from a very elementary knowledge of the Bible. Generally I've just focused on learning whatever I could get my hands on.

I'm finally arriving at a place of understanding where I can research and study one area of Scripture on my own, and see it fit in with the bigger picture of the Bible. It's so, so exciting to me. I first realized this was happening a year ago, at new staff training with Campus Crusade. I was forced to research and study theological concepts and church doctrine, which is something I never really had an interest in doing. Up until that point, people were generally always helping me learn things- there was always a conference or Bible study leader or super-smart friend who would answer my questions.

Knowing this makes today's small 'light bulb flash' very important. This phenomenon doesn't only occur in cartoons. I now have a better understanding of a Biblical concept that will change the way I go about my day to day life, the way I think about God, and the way I feel about myself. That's kind of huge.

This happens a lot to a lot of leaders in the Christian sub-world. A few weeks ago I heard John Piper share a bit of his story concerning the way God lead him to different places in life.

Piper's big mantra is "God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him." This is his gem from Scripture, his insight the Lord impressed on his heart.

When you discover something like this, having your very own light bulb moment, God is going to use that in big ways.

That's why people are constantly saying "get in the Word." "Read your Bible." "Go to God, see what He has to say." When I was younger in my faith, I got so sick of hearing this. I didn't believe it could be that easy. It's maybe not as easy as I thought it was then, but it is simple. I have access to the One who spoke the earth into being, who spoke to Abraham, and Moses, and David, and the One who still speaks to people today. Without the Spirit of God, the Bible is just a book- just words on pieces of paper. His Spirit is available to convict and convince, to speak to us when we need it most, despite our knowledge of our need.

It's great to read Christian books about topics that interest us. Even to read and discuss them in "bible study" is ok from time to time. But it is so much more important to be in the Word of God on a regular basis, and daily, if it's not too much to ask. The Bible is the yardstick that we measure everything else against.

I don't think we really understand that we have a chance to enter into the presence of the living God at any time. Because if we did, our lives would change. I know mine would. If you're looking for the will of God in your life, or encouragement, wisdom, comfort, or hope- go to the very author and perfecter of our faith.