Wednesday, December 09, 2009

FC: Day Three

Today was pretty chill. Allison didn't have school due to our massive blizzard. After we spent a good 45 minutes digging out our cars, we visited Wal-mart for ribbon, snow boots and groceries. BUT WAIT! We are not supposed to buy non-necessities. But I did not tell you that the last time we went to the store (Sunday night) we meant to buy an avocado, tortilla chips and a red pepper. We forgot these items then so we picked them up today. I feel the need to explain my actions, since it was part of the deal. We also rented a redbox movie: Julie/Julia. Feel free to check out my post on that below.

So today. Breakfast was a pistachio muffin (that was an odd shade of neon green) and coffee. Lunch was tortilla pizza- thanks for the idea, Christine! Supper was leftover shrimp alfredo- and it was delish! Now on to a productive night of writing, editing and designing...just heard the dryer finish its cycle, so add some towel folding to the list.


allison said...

i'm impressed you could hear the dryer.