Sunday, December 06, 2009


Before Church Sunday morning I was talking with a good friend about school and learning. I mentioned that I believe I hit my intellectual peak in about 5th or 6th grade. I was a fairly smart kid in my elementary years, but by the time I graduated from high school my GPA definitely ranked me lower in my class.

I've known others who have felt the same way, so I figured this occurrence wasn't very unique.
My friend commented that this fact makes sense. She's currently pursuing a PhD in educational psychology, so I figured she'd have a good reason: I was probably relying on my ability instead of effort to get me through elementary school. This explains a slightly tough transition to college, where I had to rely much, much more on my effort than my ability.

This reminds of addiction to caffeine. Or any drug, I guess. You need more of it as time goes on to be as effective as before. To be successful in college, I needed to increase my effort as compared to my effort in high school. When I first started reading the Bible every day, I could read almost any passage and learn something I didn't know. I'll definitely never know everything in the Bible, but I have to dig a little deeper the more I learn.