Sunday, December 27, 2009

Food Challenge-Complete!

I still haven't wrapped up our food challenge situation. I really enjoyed it! The time I've saved from wandering around the Hyv and Wal-mart has been spent doing a little more baking/cooking. I find this activity surprisingly enjoyable. Then, there's the money I've saved. Wandering the grocery aisles in Wal-mart almost always leads me to wander other aisles and buy things I do not need (and I know there are others who give in to the same temptation! why is it so hard??). They are usually cheap, small items, but they seem to add up quickly. I only had a few fast food meals those three weeks, which is a surprise to me.

All in all, a great experience! I think I will unofficially be doing this food challenge in 2010! :)


allison said...

I think we should keep it going until the food is actually gone from the freezer, fridge, and cupboards. At least until there isn't anything left that would constitute as a meal (I'm not eating ketchup or jelly for supper). Won't that be fun to have clean cupboards and grocery shop to start fresh? :) Let's think about that.

Unknown said...

agreed! tho i prob won't blog about it every day :) i'm not creative enough of a food writer to keep people's interest!